Saturday, December 14, 2013

Two Weeks and One Day To Go!

More than a week since my last entry here!  Hard to believe time is going by so quickly.  I've been busy visiting friends and family in Indiana and Ohio, and working on my "To Do" list.  It seems like I'm adding two things for each thing I check off, so I'm feeling a little anxious.

As always, unexpected complications arise.  Here is one that I am dealing with:

We went to Panera's for lunch.
My baguette had a strange crunch.
"Oh no!" I said,
As I spit out my bread.
Bits of tooth confirmed my hunch.

Fortunately I have a good dentist here in Columbus and he was able to see me right away.  I'll have a new crown before I leave!

I'll include pictures below of some of my visits, but here is a quick laundry list.  Sandy, Danny and Izzie in Jamestown IN; Don and Becky in Carmel IN; Pat in Springfield OH; Beth, Patrick and Gwen in Columbus OH; Shirley, Karin, Sarah, Sandy, Ken, Carol, and Donna in Newark/Granville OH.  It has been a delight to visit with old friends and family.

I've also been working on preparations.  I'll be taking my iPhone and iPad with me, but I won't be using my AT&T services there. I'll be putting my service on reduced rate suspension.  I spent quite a bit of time in the Apple store, trying to figure out the best way to make sure all my pictures are safely backed up and getting all the latest software so I'm ready to go.  I'll say more about preparations in a future blog.

Ravi has been busy preparing for our visit and has lots of things planned for us, including a cycling tour of some of the heritage sites in Tamil Nadu, the state where he lives.  I love cycling, so this is really exciting!

I promised to explain how my one month stay in India turned into four.  Earlier this year, I had my life carefully planned out.  I was going to rent a house in Albuquerque and settle down there. And someday I still hope to do that.  But one day in early September things fell apart.  The rental house fell through.  That same day I realized that a relationship I was in was stuck, going nowhere, and so was I.  It was time to let go.  I was contemplating my alternatives when Ravi sent an email suggesting I extend my stay in India.  It seemed like a great idea.

So I did!

Izzie loves to spoil people with her cuddling.

Sandy and I spent time reminiscing about good times when our kids were growing up together.

My brother Don and his wife Becky have a beautiful home!

Patrick said I couldn't take his picture, so I did!

Beth said the same thing!

Shirley, Donna and I spent an afternoon planning our bike tour of France next September.  Not only are these two women beautiful, they are also fun and adventurous.  I feel fortunate to have such good friends!

Denison has an excellent Bluegrass Music degree program, and I was lucky enough to be here for their winter concert.  What a treat!

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